Sunday, January 8, 2012

Construction of hydroponic setup

This is my third hydroponic setup. The first two were simple ebb/flow versions using siphoning for emptying the growing pot. Anyway, inspired by windowfarms, this time I went for a good looking set up with high WAF.

Currently there are seeds for pimiento, sugar peas and basil. We will also try to plant lettuce bought as a plant grown in dirt. This to get plants growing as soon as possible, as well as transplantation (see what I did there? ;o).
Let's start with the pots:

Using a piece of montageband (english translation?) as the template for the holes:

The first hole in the first pot:

Using the first pot as a template for the horizontal positioning:


Then the above montageband for templating the vertical position:

Then the three pots looks like this:

Hanging three chains from the top to the bottom of the window:

Pots before and after insertion:

This is the air lifter, which uses air to lift water:

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